April 27, 2023 | Animal Stories

Tiny kitten found in a bush

Tiny kitten found in a bush

At just six weeks old and unable to fend for himself, tiny Cinnamon was found in a bush. The frightened kitten was thankfully discovered by a kind resident of the apartment block beside his hiding spot before he could starve or freeze to death.

With no milk or mother to find warmth from as the harsh December weather took its grip, the little kitten wouldn’t have survived long.

Cinnamon’s finder took him into the warm for the night and contacted our member Blue Cross’ Manchester rehoming and advice unit the following day for help. They didn’t hesitate to help and take the sweet kitten in.

Hannah, Animal Welfare Assistant, says: “He was in good physical condition. This makes us think he was abandoned by someone rather than being rejected by her mum. We placed him in foster care straight away where we started to wean him towards solids.”

Cinnamon spent Christmas in Blue Cross’ care, going from strength to strength physically, and building some much-needed confidence after his sad start to life.

He soon got used to cuddles on the sofa and found his voice when he wanted attention or food and, after 80 days in care, he embarked on the next happy chapter of his life as a much-loved pet. As you can see in this video he’s doing really well!

Thank you for helping find loving new homes for animals like Cinnamon.