August 20, 2022 | Animal Stories

Banjo’s journey to happily ever after

Banjo’s journey to happily ever after

Banjo had a difficult start in life, but thanks to the veterinary and specialist care he received he began to thrive.

Banjo, the lurcher, needed some extra care from Together for Animals member Mayhew. When he arrived with them he was unwanted, unwell and underweight. He had an injury to his tail and a nasty skin condition too. He was badly in need of treatment.

Their team got to work immediately. The Veterinary team managed to save his tail and treat his skin condition. This, along with a special diet, has turned him into a happy, healthy dog! They also worked with him on behaviour, helping to build his self-confidence and socialising him around strangers.

It is fantastic to see how much progress Banjo made. He is unrecognisable compared to when the Mayhew team first met him. Their next job was to find him a loving new forever home, and it didn’t take too long for someone to fall in love with this affectionate, fun-loving lad. We’re pleased say he has found his happily ever after.

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