Karma’s fortune turned around

A pregnant dog who was hours away from giving birth without a roof over her head found herself in our member Blue Cross’ care in the nick of time.
Karma’s devastated owner, who had suddenly found herself unable to keep her, was in a race against the clock to find her much-loved pet a safe place to have her puppies.
The 18-month-old Staffordshire bull terrier arrived at the Blue Cross animal hospital in Victoria, central London, for the urgent vet care she needed and gave birth to a healthy litter of eight within five hours. Wanting the very best for her beloved dog, Karma’s
heartbroken owner asked Blue Cross to care for the mum and puppies and find them all loving homes once they were ready.
The family was soon transferred to the charity’s Bromsgrove rehoming centre near Birmingham, where Animal Welfare Assistant, Caroline, stepped in as foster carer to Karma and her young family.
Caroline provided round-the- clock care to Karma and her pups, to ensure the new mum had all the support she needed and a crucial home environment for the youngsters to grow up in.
The puppies – Spirit, Buddha, Asher, Kaleb, Joy, Lotus, Faith and Serenity – went from strength to strength, and Karma took well to motherhood.
Despite the upheaval she had endured, Karma very quickly learnt to trust Caroline. Caroline says: “Karma really trusted me with her babies. We became a real team together, it was lovely.”
“She is so young herself but the most amazing, caring and loving mum. She’s done such a good job. When there are new people around, she’s always checking her puppies are all okay.”
The puppies – four girls and four boys – quickly went from forming “puppy piles” to keep warm, to walking and exploring the world around them, with Caroline and the team always on hand to show them the sights and sounds needed for them to grow into happy, confident dogs.
Once the puppies were eight weeks old, they went to wonderful new homes. And after some TLC from Caroline in the month that followed, Karma too found herself a fresh start.