Keep your cat healthy this summer

As the temperature increases there are a few simple steps we can take to keep our pet’s healthy.
Remember that during the summer cats can feel hot and bothered and are at an increased risk of heatstroke, which can be potentially fatal.
Here are some quick tips to keep your kitty cool this summer:
Tuna lollies are simple to make treats help keep your cat hydrated, and as you can see from this video by our member Blue Cross they love them! Cats also love playing with ice cubes which not only is a lot of fun for them, but it helps keep their paws cool – where they lose and absorb heat a lot of heat from!
Water – keep a plentiful supply of fresh, cool water in easy reach for your cat – perhaps placing additional bowls around the house and garden. Watch for signs of over-heating, including heavy panting and loss of energy. If you recognise these signs, encourage your cat to have a drink.
During the day keep your cat indoors when the sun is strongest, between 11.00am and 3.00pm.