Keeping animals and owners together

Times are hard for people across the world. This winter is the hardest we have faced for years, with our members dealing with the consequences of the cost-of-living crisis, and in some of the world’s poorest communities the continued effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Animals and their owners and communities need our support.
Father of four Colin was at breaking point when he turned to Together for Animals member Mayhew for help. The 45-year-old was sleeping in his van following the breakdown of his marriage and was struggling to afford to feed himself, let alone his cats, all while living with osteoarthritis and depression.
Colin said: “All of a sudden everything shot up. Cat food went from £3.60 to £4.10 – we’re not talking pennies. I shop with a budget and have to recalculate what I should put back on the shelf… People might think if you get rid of the cats, then you’d have a bit more money in your pocket. But that’s just not an option.”
Colin had already given up three kittens and was desperate to keep their parents, Max and Molly. Mayhew’s care packages made that possible. They provided Colin with cat food, blankets and other essential supplies, and thankfully he is now settled in a new flat – with Max and Molly – although the cost-of-living crisis is still a huge concern.