Ned survives against all odds

Tiny Ned was found by the docks in Grimsby, completely alone and only six weeks old.
The poor thing was rushed to our member Blue Cross’ nearby animal hospital. Caked in dirt and terribly skinny, Ned was in such a state that during the health check all pets get when they arrive, the vet thought the frail kitten was a boy.
In fact, it turned out that “Ned” is actually a girl. That shows what a terrible state poor Ned was in.
Her beautiful white fur was yellow with filth, she was suffering from potentially deadly cat flu and had an upset tummy that stopped her from taking on vital nutrition. She was clinging to life with what little energy was left in her.
Ned needed nursing around the clock so she was transferred from the hospital to Blue Cross’ Cambridge rehoming centre. There Ned was given her medicine every few hours and the team filled her pen with teddies she could snuggle up to for comfort at night.
As well as lots of cuddles, regular meals of special kitten food and milk filled her hungry tummy.
Slowly but surely, Ned started to turn the corner. Her skinny body started to put on weight, her confidence grew and she started learning how to play. She’d chase a ball or swipe at a fishing rod toy, then when she got tired she’d snuggle up for a cuddle.
Once she recovered it was no surprise that such a sweet, playful character quickly found a new home, where she is now known as Phasma.
Pauline Ranner, Veterinary Supervisor at Cambridge, said: “It was so rewarding to nurse her back to good health, as she was so ill to start with. We were so worried about her, but with all our care and love, and her strength, she pulled through and is now happy in her new home.”
£10 could help provide urgent veterinary care to an abandoned and sick animal like Ned. Thank you.