New year, new you!

With the start of the new year many of us like to get organised – and there is no better time to do some life admin or put positive new habits into place! Here’s how we can help you:
Fitness goals
New year, new fitness goal? Is running a marathon or half-marathon one of your goals for 2024? We have places for Brighton, Dublin and some of the most amazing races around the world – including Valencia, Miami and Chicago – available. Contact us if you’re interested in finding out more!
Payroll Giving
Have you been thinking about setting up a regular donation to help pets and working animals? Did you know Payroll Giving is a tax-efficient scheme that allows employees to give more for less? You can set up regular donations to Together for Animals and help four animal welfare charities, and thousands of animals through your pay before tax.
Payroll Giving is simple to set up, tax-efficient, and provides companies the opportunity to enhance their social responsibility; all while helping animals in need.
You can find out more about Payroll Giving with our guide for employers and employees.
Free Will-writing service
Writing a Will is something that we often put off, but it is so important for everyone to make one. Together for Animals has teamed up with Bequeathed to offer our supporters a free online will-writing service. Find out more here.