Plank for Pets

Can you plank every day in June?
Did you know the world record for the longest plank is currently 8 hours 15 minutes and 15 seconds! We’re not asking you do that to help animals in need – just to plank every day in June!
No animal should suffer from injury, disease, abuse or neglect. With your help, we can end the suffering of cats, dogs, donkeys and horses.
In these difficult times where animals need our member’s urgent help, you can help raise funds and improve your fitness.
In June we’re asking people to see if you can manage 1,800 seconds plank time in one month – that’s just one minute a day – but you can start small and build up. Perhaps by the end of June you’ll be doing a 3-minute plank!
It’s completely free to sign up to the Plank for Pets challenge – and if you raise £50 for Together for Animals, you’ll receive a thank you pack – including tote bag – in the post.
If you raise £100, you’ll receive a thank you pack – including a medal – in the post.
Here’s what to do:
1. Set up your fundraising page and ask people to donate and sponsor you.
2. Find a spot at home to do your plank in for as long as possible each day
3. Time yourself and update your time on your fundraising page.
4. Take a photo or video of you ‘planking’, then post to social media – include the hashtag #PlankforPets
5. Nominate your friends to take on the Plank for Pets Challenge
Sign up now!
PLEASE NOTE: Please do not attempt this challenge if you are injured or pregnant. Planks are supposed to be good for building up your core strength and stability. If you’re not a hardcore Planker, start slowly and don’t overdo it please. Search online for videos and tips to undertake planks safely. We cannot accept any responsibility for any injuries as a result of undertaking this challenge. Thank you!