Tess’ amazing recovery

When six-year-old German Shepherd Tess arrived at Together for Animals member Mayhew in February 2019, she was emaciated, weak, covered in painful sores with several patches of missing fur.
Mayhew’s Vet and Kennels teams worked around the clock to save her – carrying out skin tests, feeding her six small meals a day to help her gently gain weight, giving her regular medicated baths to soothe her inflamed skin, and creating a warm and cosy environment where she would feel safe and could recover.
Tess had a shaky start but she soon began to respond to the care, love and dedication of the team at Mayhew. After weeks of treatment her skin showed improvement, she had gained weight, her fur was growing back, and she become more energetic.
Throughout her recovery Tess’ personality shone through. Lovely and spirited, Tess enjoyed playtime with tennis balls, going on walks, and socialising and interacting with the people around her. Tess was soon a completely different dog to the nervous, withdrawn girl who was rescued.
Maria Markey, Head of Kennels at Mayhew, said: “Tess has shown a remarkable improvement in every way. She’s developed into such a character, and it’s so nice to see her looking healthy and happy and enjoying life at last. She’s really bounced back”.
Thanks to the care of the kennels team and vets at Mayhew over six long months, Tess recovered enough to go up for adoption, where she was discovered by Alan and his wife Susan. Tess found her new family with the pair and brings them a lot of joy and love.