What will your legacy be?

We are always humbled and grateful to those people who generously leave a gift in their Will to Together for Animals, helping our unique combination of members and the vital and lifesaving work they do continue for many years to come.
Leaving us a gift is a great way to ensure Together for Animals help more pets and working animals live a life free from disease, neglect and abuse. Even a relatively small gift will help us to improve the lives of cats, dogs, donkeys and horses in desperate need, in the UK and overseas.
Making a donation to charity in your Will can also have some tax benefits, so there is no reason not to remember your favourite charity in your Will, and make a difference to thousands of animals for years to come.
You can find out more by downloading our new guide to legacies ‘Help Save Lives’.
If you have already chosen to remember us in your Will, thank you. If you would be interested in discussing a potential gift further, or would like more information please contact our Development Manager, Caroline Gaskin at caroline@togetherforanimals.org.uk or 0870 609 2810, or via our contact page.