February 28, 2020 | News
You made a difference in 2019!

By supporting Together for Animals you are helping a variety of animals in need, making a difference to their lives, now and in the future. Because of the kind support and donations Together for Animals receives, we are able to help change the lives of cats, dogs, donkeys, and horses through:
- Respect and kindness – Fighting to ensure animals are treated with the respect and kindness they deserve.
- Happy homes – Finding happy homes for abandoned or unwanted pets and horses.
- Veterinary care – Providing veterinary care for animals in need, including working animals in the world’s poorest communities.
- Research – Researching and treating disease and injury in animals to help horses, dogs and cats live healthier, happier lives.
In 2019 your kind donations:
- Helped 9,771 unwanted, abandoned or neglected animals find loving new homes.
- Helped provide 544,060 animals with free veterinary care and clinical support, saving them from suffering.
- Helped educate 170,917 people on the best ways to care for their animals.
- Helped develop better diagnosis, prevention methods and cures for disease and injury in animals, included launching 3 new DNA tests for blinding conditions in 3 breeds of dogs.
As well as this our members:
- Analysed in the region of 12,000 flu samples during the equine flu outbreak in 2019.
- Enabled the breeding of more than 8,500 hereditarily clear puppies, born free from debilitating or blinding inherited conditions.
- DNA tested around 5,000 dogs for an assortment of inherited diseases.
- Provided 13,156 pieces of humane equipment to animal owners overseas.
Thank you for making a difference!