June 10, 2024 | Animal Stories

Casper the friendly dog!

Casper the friendly dog!

We love a happy ending – and even more so when it is about an older animal being given their forever home.

The lovely Casper, came to our member Mayhew from a loving home, but due to his owner’s ill health, they were no longer able to look after him. Paul and Lisa tell us what it is like living with a friendly, older dog and why they chose to adopt Casper:

“We were looking for a dog to love, and not too specifically fussy about their age. We knew we didn’t want a puppy; they can be more energetic and require more work getting them trained and were worried a puppy might chew everything in the house. When we discovered Mayhew, we signed up to receive updates of dogs that met what we were looking for, and Casper was our first alert email.  Casper looked gorgeous and seemed to have a very loving character, just waiting to be loved.”

We asked Paul what is has been like adopting an older dog and he said:

“Casper has been a great addition to our family. An older dog can give you as much love as a puppy can. An older dog is already set in their ways i.e. knows themselves and are assured in what they like and don’t like. Casper is a very vocal on what he wants and very clear on what he wants to do, so we let him lead us. So, expect a chilled dog, that is independent and content with life! “

Casper has happily settled into life in his forever home.

He likes to be both outside and inside but when in the house he wants to be with his humans. He has his morning walk with Paul and will then either chase pigeons in the garden or have a nap. Casper has a snooze on his throne (a footstool) or keeps Paul’s feet warm by lying on them when he is working at home. A midday walk is either in his favourite park where Casper runs laps and races against Paul, although Lisa has said the dog has learnt to cheat by running across her partner! When he is tired out, he is back on his leash. The lucky pooch can also enjoy the sensory garden in another park where he will sit transfixed by the smells.

Paul and Casper have lunch at the same time although a certain husky attempts to steal as much human food as possible. It’s then time for digging holes in the garden until Lisa comes home from work to give Casper his third walk. He is spoilt for choice as Paul and Lisa live near to a dogs’ park where Casper can run free and socialise with other dogs in a safe environment.

Lisa and Paul keep Casper stimulated by doing activities with him after his dinner, either playing hide and seek or play to catch a ball or do a bit of training or unboxing exercises as he loves tearing boxes apart. He will sometimes have another walk around the block in the evening or he chills with the couple in the living room – taking up most of one sofa so Lisa has had to move to a smaller chair!

Casper is a much-loved addition to their family and Paul and Lisa love his big character. Thanks to your support animals like Casper are living their best lives, in loving forever homes. Thank you.