September 4, 2023 | Animal Stories

Helping Belle find a forever home

Helping Belle find a forever home

Ten-year-old Schnauzer Crossbreed, Belle, was found tied up outside a supermarket in London on a very hot day.

The confused and anxious dog had been left unattended for six long hours, despite security’s efforts to identify her owner.

A concerned local resident knew she had to intervene so she untied Belle, gave her water and waited with her until staff from Together for Animals member Mayhew arrived, having been notified about the situation.

Belle was then carefully transported to the charity’s nearby headquarters where the caring and concerned staff made sure she had a safe space and plenty to eat and drink.

She was given a thorough health check by the veterinary team and was neutered, micro-chipped, and had two non-cancerous cysts removed at their on-site clinic.

Thanks to the care she received, Belle is now recovered and Mayhew staff are working hard to find her the right owner who will take the time to love and understand a dog with such a sweet and sensitive nature.

Your generosity enables our members to continue to deliver their important work to safeguard the welfare of animals and people, whatever challenges they face – including dogs like Belle. Thank you.