Tiger and Robert both receive the care they need

Together for Animals member Mayhew recently stepped in to help a pet owner in need when Tiger, a West Highland terrier, had nowhere else to go while his 72-year-old owner Robert needed to go into hospital for vital hip replacement surgery.
Robert was worried as he had no one to care for his beloved canine companion, but then he found Mayhew’s Pet Refuge programme, through which they provide temporary care and shelter for the pets of people facing a crisis, whether that be an on-going issue or an emergency.
The team collected Tiger from his home and settled him down in one of their cosy kennels. Shortly afterwards, they were able to place him with one of their dedicated foster carers, who was carefully selected so they would be able to give Tiger a loving, temporary home for the remainder of his three-month stay at Mayhew.
Knowing that Tiger was receiving the best possible care meant Robert was able to undergo his surgery and take the time to complete his rehabilitation, ensuring he was in the best shape possible. Once Robert was well enough to look after his beloved dog, our Animal Welfare Officers took Tiger home for a very happy reunion!
Mayhew’s unique Pet Refuge programme was a lifeline for Robert, alleviating the burden of caring for his companion in a period of crisis. As Robert explained:
“Mayhew were an absolute godsend in my hour of need. I would have felt very alone and even a little scared, without their support. Tiger has been with me for over seven years so knowing he would be safe and well looked after was one less thing for me to worry about, especially at my age.”
Animals contribute so much to our mental and physical wellbeing. By working together we are ensuring that animals – and the people that depend on them – can enjoy happier, healthier lives.