Latest News
Because of the kind support and donations Together for Animals receives, we are able to help change the lives of cats, dogs, donkeys, and horses. Keep up to date with all our latest news:

Saving Samba
Samba works five hours a day transporting fresh water to households across Boghé, Mauritania, alongside his owner Mohamed. The pair begin working before dawn to avoid the 50-degree heat that comes later in the day. One day, Mohamed noticed Samba was panting and refusing to eat his food. Mohamed tried to encourage his usually energetic […]
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Supporting pet owners
Together for Animals member Mayhew work hard to keep people and their pets together. This can mean offering extra support to those going through a temporary crisis. For the individuals who need it, Mayhew’s Pet Refuge programme is a lifeline. There are many reasons why people request the service, but often it is because a […]
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Moses’ transformation
Moses was found in 2019 by Together for Animals member World Horse Welfare. The handsome, cheeky black and white pony is a far cry from the sorry sight that greeted Field Officer Charlotte Melvin when she visited a group of cobs near Walsall in October 2019 after a member of the public reported concerns for […]
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Going the extra mile for older cats
Cats that are a little older can sometimes end up waiting longer for their forever homes than their younger counterparts. The team at Together for Animals member Mayhew always go the extra mile for every cat in their care, whatever their age. For example, when 12-year- old Homer was waiting three months before being adopted […]
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Leonard’s legacy
Leonard was found on the streets as a stray. He was struggling to breathe, with a painfully dry and crusty nose, covered in pressure sores and terribly thin. No dog should ever have to fight for breath – all because he was bred to conform to society’s increasing and unknowingly cruel demand for flat- faced […]
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One treatment saves two lives
Hardworking donkeys Touru and Gao work tirelessly for their young owner, 14-year-old Modibo. Every day, they transport heavy bags of building sand from the banks of the Niger river in Segou, Mali, into the heart of the city. Not only do the donkeys help to earn a small income to support Modibo’s parents and siblings, […]
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Tiny stranded kitten rescued
At just four days old, tiny Bernard was found in the roof void of a hotel, crying his little heart out – with no mum in sight. Thankfully someone heard him. Far too young to be alone, one of our member Blue Cross’ wonderful foster carers took him home and worked round-the- clock to feed […]
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Bright future for rescued horses
Three young horses with rather recognisable names have found their perfect match now their fortunes have changed for the better. After concerns were reported for their welfare, a trio of colts arrived at Together for Animals member World Horse Welfare’s Hall Farm Rescue and Rehoming Centre in February and were promptly named Mr Bingley, Mr […]
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One donation, four acts of kindness
Every year thousands of pets and working animals suffer from injury, disease, abuse or neglect. Together, and with your help, we can end their suffering. Every donation made to Together for Animals helps four charities save thousands of animals lives.
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