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Because of the kind support and donations Together for Animals receives, we are able to help change the lives of cats, dogs, donkeys, and horses. Keep up to date with all our latest news:

How Bandit stole Maureen’s heart Animal Stories
April 12, 2019
How Bandit stole Maureen’s heart

When Maureen was turned away from a pet rescue centre for being “too old” to rehome a dog, she lost all hope of finding a four-legged companion to ease the loneliness she was feeling. Seven years earlier she had lost her beloved husband, followed six months later by the family cat Chester. Maureen desperately wanted […]

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From frozen foal to sculpture star News
April 8, 2019
From frozen foal to sculpture star

Lucas was rescued from a freezing field at just ten months old, alongside his emaciated mother who was in foal again. Thankfully, Lucas and his mother India were rescued just in time by Together for Animals member World Horse Welfare, and nursed back to health with specialist veterinary care. Lucas thrived in the charity’s care […]

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Crunchie and her amazing life Animal Stories
March 22, 2019
Crunchie and her amazing life

Crunchie is one of the luckier horses to be rehomed through Together for Animals member, World Horse Welfare.  She wasn’t the subject of cruelty or abuse, but what she has achieved has helped benefit thousands of horses around the world.  Not only was she Suzanne’s best friend, she has also been the best friend to […]

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Weight loss success for obese cat Animal Stories
March 13, 2019
Weight loss success for obese cat

Just over one year ago, poor Flora was homeless, dangerously overweight and at risk of a wide range of health issues as a result. But thanks to Together for Animals member Blue Cross, and the care of a loving new family, the eight-year-old cat has had a dramatic turnaround in fortunes – and she is […]

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Magic is a true part of the family Animal Stories
January 27, 2019
Magic is a true part of the family

We love hearing the stories of what the horses and ponies rehomed by our member World Horse Welfare get up to and when they received these gorgeous photos of Magic from his rehomers, we had to share them. Martha entered her rehomed pony, Magic, in our Rehomed Horse of the Year competition in 2018 and […]

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Arifa’s limp threatens her future Animal Stories
January 16, 2019
Arifa’s limp threatens her future

Aziz rescued emaciated Arifa from a Moroccan horse market and gave her a new lease of life. But an accident in the stables threatened to derail her recovery and, with it, the financial future of her new owner. As soon as 28-year-old Aziz saw the skinny brown mare at his local market in Marrakech, he […]

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Scared and alone Animal Stories
November 12, 2018
Scared and alone

Earlier this year, a member of the public called Together for Animals member Mayhew to help a stray cat hiding underneath a parked car in North West London. The distressed young cat, later named Corsa, was being taunted and frightened by a group of youths; she had given birth to two kittens and was desperately […]

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Frodo crowned Champion Animal Stories
November 12, 2018
Frodo crowned Champion

Back in October 2014 Together for Animals member World Horse Welfare received a call from a member of the public concerned about a group of horses. Field Officer Rachel Andrews visited the group of horses who had been left in a field in Cheshire without adequate food, water or protection from the bitter conditions and […]

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Gloria’s first family Christmas Animal Stories
November 12, 2018
Gloria’s first family Christmas

Poor Gloria had a terrible start in life but she’s now looking forward to her first Christmas with her new family, thanks to Together for Animals member, Blue Cross. An unsuspecting family had bought Gloria from what was likely to have been a puppy farm. Sadly, like many pets who have been bred purely for profit, it […]

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