
Latest News

Because of the kind support and donations Together for Animals receives, we are able to help change the lives of cats, dogs, donkeys, and horses. Keep up to date with all our latest news:

Cat care on a budget News
May 24, 2023
Cat care on a budget

Our member Blue Cross has put together money-saving tips for cat owners to help you keep your pet happy and healthy while keeping more cash in your pocket. You’ve probably already sought advice and looked at how to save money this year (we might even be telling you things you already know), but it never hurts to […]

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Caring for your dog on a budget News
May 24, 2023
Caring for your dog on a budget

With costs rising and budgets getting tighter, you may be looking for ways to save money on your dog’s care. Our member Blue Cross has put together tips on cutting costs without compromising your dog’s health and happiness: Cutting costs on your dog’s supplies The ongoing expense of your dog’s supplies can be difficult to […]

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Guest Blog: Pawsitively Clean News
May 19, 2023
Guest Blog: Pawsitively Clean

Our furry friends bring so much joy to our lives, but they also come with their own set of challenges when it comes to keeping our homes clean. From muddy pawprints to shedding fur, it can sometimes feel like an uphill battle to maintain a clean and tidy living space when you have pets. However, […]

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Keeping Alisa and Major together Animal Stories
May 19, 2023
Keeping Alisa and Major together

When Alisa from Bromley was told she urgently needed complex surgery in September 2022, her main priority wasn’t so much the major procedure required for painful Bilateral Osteoarthritis but rather who would look after her two children who both have special needs — and her beloved 12-year-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Major. Having become increasingly bedridden […]

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Little Holly’s sorry start in life Animal Stories
May 8, 2023
Little Holly’s sorry start in life

Abandoned on a freezing hillside in Wales just a month before Christmas, little foal Holly was at death’s door when she was rescued by Together for Animals member World Horse Welfare. In November World Horse Welfare received a report of a young foal on her own on a hillside in Wales. Field Officer Tony went […]

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Tiny kitten found in a bush Animal Stories
April 27, 2023
Tiny kitten found in a bush

At just six weeks old and unable to fend for himself, tiny Cinnamon was found in a bush. The frightened kitten was thankfully discovered by a kind resident of the apartment block beside his hiding spot before he could starve or freeze to death. With no milk or mother to find warmth from as the […]

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Spring newsletter 2023 Publications
April 24, 2023
Spring newsletter 2023

We are delighted to share our latest update, detailing just a few of the animals your kind donations have helped during these last few months. These are tough times, and all our members are seeing an increase in the demand for their services, whether that be free veterinary care, or rehoming an animal that has […]

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Rafie’s rescue Animal Stories
April 16, 2023
Rafie’s rescue

Together for Animals member SPANA first learned about Rafie when their veterinary team in Marrakech, Morocco, received an urgent call about a mule that had been spotted outside a souk. The team were highly concerned as temperatures that afternoon had risen to a sweltering 50 degrees. Being exposed to extreme heat for prolonged periods can […]

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Keeping pets and owners together News
April 6, 2023
Keeping pets and owners together

The squeeze on household budgets has started to affect pets and animal welfare charities alike. Together for Animals members are seeing an increase in people needing their support here in the UK and abroad – either to provide veterinary care that is otherwise unaffordable, or as people face the impossible and heart-breaking decision to give […]

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