Latest News
Because of the kind support and donations Together for Animals receives, we are able to help change the lives of cats, dogs, donkeys, and horses. Keep up to date with all our latest news:

Autumn newsletter 2021
The happy stories of the animals our supporters have helped are always so lovely be able to share each newsletter. Leonard’s story is a sad and stark reminder that not all animals get a happy ending. It highlights how vital the money we raise is, because so many more animals urgently need our member’s help. […]
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Dyson finds his forever home
Back at the beginning of March, a Pomeranian cross called Dyson was found wandering down the middle of a busy road in North London in a very sorry state. When the member of public came across him, it appeared that one-year-old Dyson had emotionally shut down – he was extremely scared and looked to be […]
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Frail kitten gets adoptive family
Delilah and her unborn kitten were hours away from death when she was found clinging onto life on the streets. The frail young cat had suffered a prolapsed uterus while giving birth and, with her kitten stuck, it was a race against time to save them both with a caesarean. It’s rare for cats to […]
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Klana receives the help she needs
Every day, Klana pulls a cart for her owner Ely, in Mauritania’s capital city, Nouakchott. Under the hot Mauritanian sun and in such a dusty and arid climate, the seven-year-old donkey’s homemade harness started to rub against her skin. Over time, the constant friction from the harness led to painful wounds developing across her nose […]
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Barnaby finds his forever home
13-year-old blind dog Barnaby found his way into our member Mayhew’s care when his owner’s ill health sadly left him unable to take care of his four-legged best friend. Barnaby was in desperate need of a second chance, and needed an extra special care plan to help him back on his paws. As he grew […]
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Kitten found in laundry basket
Dumped in the middle of the road in an old laundry basket, three-month-old Eddie must have been terrified. Thankfully, he didn’t flee into the path of a car. The kind woman who found him asked about the neighbourhood, to see if anyone knew who he belonged to, but he remained unclaimed – so she took […]
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Frankie’s bright future
Thanks to donors like you, Frankie has a bright future ahead of him Rescued pony Frankie now has a bright future ahead of him thanks to caring supporters like you, despite having a poor start in life. Frankie was one of 47 ponies who came into the care of our member World Horse Welfare after […]
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Give them the life they deserve
With your help, we can end the suffering of pets and working animals. Join our monthly giving community of animal lovers who together make a difference to cats, dogs, donkeys, and horses in need. Every donation helps four charities save the lives of thousands of cats, dogs, donkeys and horses. No animal should suffer from […]
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Providing a lifeline
The global pandemic has had a huge impact on working animals and the families who rely on them in the world’s poorest communities. Lockdowns, restrictions on movement and marketplace closures have led to owners losing their incomes, leaving animals more vulnerable. Thanks to your support, our member SPANA’s emergency clinics have provided a lifeline to […]
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